NZ Bkpg Bee Diseases Organisation Information Contacts


14 May 2000

Eight new Varroa sites

Eight new varroa-infested sites have been located, all within the original control zone.

The Hobbyist Beekeeper Seminar held this weekend in South Auckland was very well supported by hundreds of beekeepers. After two training sessions featuring a video, presentations and instructions, beekeepers registered (if necessary), signed the necessary documentation to take part in the varroa campaign were issued with diagnostic kits to take samples from their hives. Today beekeepers will return with samples taken from their hives, which will be analysed in the MAF laboratory and individual beekeepers will be advised of their results.

Since the varroa response began, 186 beekeepers have been registered who own 11, 105 hives on 799 sites. MAF and the NBA are urging any beekeepers who have not yet registered to do so quickly, both to assist on achieving the best possible analysis of the varroa situation, and also to ensure beekeepers qualify for participation in future programmes.

The movement permit hotline 0800 109 383 received seven news requests, with three issued and four pending.

1,715 apiaries have been inspected, with 32,776 hives on those properties. The number of Infected Places is now 190, with the number of beekeepers owning those properties remaining 62.

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