NZ Bkpg Bee Diseases Organisation Information Contacts

This information originally appeared in Ministry of Agriculture 'Aglink' FPP 529 and FPP 530 (combined in this version). The author was A G Matheson, then Apicultural Advisory Officer for MAF Advisory Services, Nelson.

Nectar and Pollen Sources

Summer || Autumn/Early Winter || Winter/Early Spring || Spring/Early Summer

Honey bees obtain all their nutritional requirements from the nectar and pollen of flowers, and in some instances the honeydew of other insects. During periods when these are not available bees must subsist on honey and pollen stored within the hive, or supplementary feed provided by the beekeeper.

Energy, in the form of sugars, is obtained from nectar and honeydew. Pollen provides the remainder of bees' diet protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals. When supplementary feeding is required sugars (cane sugar or honey) can be provided by the beekeeper. Pollen supplements are more difficult to obtain, and pollen shortages limit bee- keeping in some parts of the country.

The critical period of the beekeeping year is spring. At this time bee colonies build up in population, from a low winter level before the main nectar flow beginning mid November to mid December (according to locality).

Early spring nectar and pollen sources such as willows, barberry and hawthorn, may provide a good beginning to this build-up period, if weather is suitable for bee flight. However, in most rural areas there is usually a scarcity of nectar and pollen in October and November. This necessitates supplementary feeding to produce crops of surplus honey. Planting of species which flower during this period is particularly desirable.

In many areas, land development has reduced the diversity of vegetation leading to a shortage of nectar and pollen, particularly during the critical spring period. This requires shifting apiaries to good spring areas or supplementary feeding of bees. However both these measures can be partially offset by planting appropriate nectar and pollen bearing trees.

There is a growing awareness among farmers and orchardists, as well as beekeepers, of the benefit of planting species for bees. Fortunately a number of shelter and erosion control plants have another use as well that of feeding bees.

Provision of a year-round supply of nectar and pollen is also important for encouraging the spread of bumble bees and solitary bees. Bumble bees are useful for boosting pollination of some crops, particularly red clover.

All nectar and pollen sources are of use to bumble bees, but particularly suitable ones include Fuchsia spp., ornamental apple blossom (Weigelia florida), ornamental Azalea spp., tree lucerne (Chamaecytisus palmensis), Rhododendron spp., Escallonia hedges, flowering currant (Ribes sanguinern) and horse chesnuts.

Further sources of information

Suitability of plants as nectar and pollen sources

Walsh, R.S. (1967): Nectar and Pollen Sources of New Zealand. National Beekeepers' Association of New Zealand (Inc.), P.O. Box 4048, Wellington. Mentions over 200 species of introduced and native plants.

Pellett, F.C. (1967): American Honey Plants. Fifth edition Dadant and Sons, Hamilton, Illinois, 467 pp. Lists many plants found in New Zealand.

Crane, E. (ed). (1975): Honey, a Comprehensive Survey. Heinemann, London, 608 pp. Contains a brief section on honey plants.

New Zealand native plants

Poole, A.L.; Adams, N.M. (1963); Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand. Government Printer, Wellington, 250 pp.

Salmon, J.T. (1980): Native trees of New Zealand. Reed, Wellington, 384 pp.

Suitability as shelter

Other AgLinks discuss the general principles of shelter for farming and horticulture, and list suitable species for different regions of the country.

Explanation of Tables

Only a limited number of species can be listed in this AgLink. The tables contain most of the plants that are likely to be significant to bees, in all parts of the country. Also listed are the more important shelter, ornamental and fruit-producing species.

Although many noxious plants are valuable for beekeeping, it is illegal to plant or cultivate them. Noxious plants schedules can vary between counties, so noxious plants officers of local authorities should be contacted for further information.

MAF advisers and commercial nurseries are able to provide further information about suitability of species particular areas.

The tables indicate:

Growth habit: Tree: Shrub; Herb; Vine. Final height is in metres.

Nectar and pollen: NP, used by bees more as a nectar source than a pollen source; PN, used more as a pollen source than a nectar source; P, pollen source only, N:P, equally valuable for nectar and pollen.

Surplus honey: S, indicates that surplus honey may be produced by bees working this source. Production of surplus honey depends on many factors, such as soil and air temperatures, moisture requirements, etc.

Table 1: Summer (December-March)

Summer || Autumn/Early Winter || Winter/Early Spring || Spring/Early Summer

Name Final height (m) Nectar and pollen value Surplus honey production Comments
Eucalyptus ficifolia
red gum
15 NP S Showy ornamental, vivid red flowers late January-February. Surplus honey if sufficient number of trees. Young plants frost tender, older ones relatively hardy.
E. viminalis
manna gum
25 NP S Heavy flowering in February-April.
E. melliodora
yellow box
17 NP S Ornamental, good for shelter, timber, firewood. Extremely good nectar source.
Melicytus ramiflorus
10 N:P - Native tree found throughout New Zealand. Yields dark amber nectar and cream pollen November-December.
Metrosideros excelsa
20 NP S Coastal native tree, salt-tolerant. Flowers December-January, profuse quantities nectar. Honey white and fast-granulating. Closely related is M.Kermadecensis a common hedge plant.
M. robusta
25 NP S Native forest tree, throughout North Island and down to about Greymouth. May hybridize with southern rata. Flowering more reliable but less intense than that species.
M. umbellata
southern rata
20 NP S Found throughout New Zealand but local in the North Island. Common from Greymouth south. Flowers December-April, depending on altitude. Heavy flowerings occur irregularly every few years. Extremely good nectar source. Both rata species produce white honey with a distinctive but delicate flavour.
Gleditisia triacanthos
5 PN - Seed pods useful for stock feed.
Ixerba brexiodes
17 NP S Native tree of virgin bush, to 38 deg S. Magnificent flowering November-january and copious quantities of nectar. Honey white, very mild and sweet in flavour. May be prone to fermentation.
Leptospermum ericoides
15 NP S Light amber honey with flavour and aroma similar to, but more delicate than that from manuka. Partially thixotropic (jelly-like) and rapidly granulating.
L. scoparium
4 NP S Pioneer species, especially on infertile soils. Honey amber and strong-flavoured, thixotropic (jelly-like) and difficult to extract from combs.
Ligustrum chinensis
Chinese privet
3 NP - Pale, aromatic honey regularly produced.
Schinus molle
Peruvian pepper tree
15 NP - Ornamental. Half-hardy.
Tilia spp.
Lime, linden
20 NP S Speciman tree in urban parks and streets. Short, intense nectar flow in December. Timber valued for carving and furniture making.
Lycium horridum
4 NP S Good shelter plant, will withstand salt winds. Common in Taranaki. Very thorny, needs trimming. Good late nectar source.
Astelia spp.
- NP S Mostly epiphytes (perching plants) in native bush. Objectionable honey produced spring-autumn depending on species.
Calluna vulgaris
ling heather
- N:P S Confined to central volcanic plateau of North Island. Honey thixotropic (jelly-like) and strong-flavoured. Honey may have high moisture content.
Cirsium spp., Carduus spp., Silybum spp.
- NP S Includes scotch, nodding, winged and Californian thistles. White honey produced December-March depending on species.
Echium vulgare
viper's bugloss
1 NP S Abundant in drier areas of South Island. Dull white, delicate flavoured slow-granulating honey.
Foeniculum vulgare
2 NP - Flowers February-March. Unpleasant honey, but good for winter stores.
Hypochoeris radicata
- N:P - Autumn stores. Also cape weed, hawksbeard, and other related species.
Lotus spp.
- NP S Found in pasture lands and roadside banks, particularly damp areas. All species useful. Honey mild in flavour and yellowish in colour.
Medicago sativa
- NP S Good nectar source in dry areas such as Marlborough, Canterbury and Otago. Water-white honey similar to that of clover.
Melilotus spp.
sweet clover
1 NP S Found principally in dry areas such as river flats in the South Island.
Mentha pulegium
penny royal
- NP S Creeping weed of pasture and waste land. Flowers January-March, suplus honey produced only in long dry spells. Honey strongly aromatic, may be prone to fermentation.
Trifolium hybridum
alsike clover
- NP S More resistant to frosts than white clover, used in oversowing mix in high country. Excellent nectar source, honey similar to that from white clover.
T. repens
white clover
- NP S New Zealand's most important honey plant. Yields nectar November-February, depending on location. White, delicate flavoured honey.
T. pratense
red clover
- NP S Sensitive to soil conditions. May be erratic in nectar yield. Honey similar to that from white clover.
Rubus fruticosus
- N:P S Flowers November-January. White honey of excellent flavour. Weed species in some areas.

Table 2: Autumn - Early Winter (April-May)

Summer || Autumn/Early Winter || Winter/Early Spring || Spring/Early Summer

Name Final height (m) Nectar and pollen value Surplus honey production Comments
Eucalyptus delegantensis
alpine ash
15 N:P    
E. leucoxylon rosea
winter-flowering pink gum
15 N:P - Hardy, withstands winds and medium frosts. Ornamental, good nectar source.
E. regnans
mountain ash
15 N:P - Frost-tender while young.
E. viminalis
manna gum
25 NP - Heavy flowering in February-April. Good source.
Hoheria populnea
lacebark, houhere
11 N:P - Native found naturally to 38 deg S, but now cultivated throughout New Zealand as an ornamental. Frofuse flowering.
Metrosideros spp.
rata vine
- N:P S Good winter stores, or surplus in some years.
Helianthus annuus
- N:P S Mild amber honey and yellow-orange pollen.

Table 3: Winter - Early Spring (June-September)

Summer || Autumn/Early Winter || Winter/Early Spring || Spring/Early Summer

Name Final height (m) Nectar and pollen value Surplus honey production Comments
Acacia baileyana
Cootamundra wattle
10 P - Fast-growing, easily cultivated from seed. Ornamental, half-hardy.
A. decurrens
green wattle
10 P - Long-lived. Readily self-sown in scrub-covered areas, particularly in Auckland province. Half-hardy.
Albizzia lophantha
brush wattle
4 NP - Common in wild state in Auckland, also in other areas as an ornamental. Frost-tender.
Banksia integrifolia 6 NP - Hardy coastal tree, requires free-draining soil. Sound in Auckland province.
Hake acicularis
spiney hakea
3 N:P - Shelter plant, growing wild in areas such as Auckland province and Golden Bay.
Prunus persica
peach, nectarine
6 PN -  
Prunus spp.
ornamental cherry
5 PN - Ornamental, deciduous. Easily established from cuttings or seedlings.
Pseudopanax arboreus
five finger
8 NP S Native, common in regenerating bush. Flowers July-September. Found throughout New Zealand up to 760 m.
Salix babylonica
weeping willow
20 N:P - Minor source. Very good erosion control plant.
S. caprea
pussy willow
12 PN - Early source. Very good erosion control plant.
S. fragilis
crack willow
15 N:P S Flowers September-October, valuable source of nectar and pollen. Common near swamps and waterways, where it may cause blockage of water flow.
S. matsudana
Peking willow
5 N:P S Suitable for shelter and erosion control. Very fast-growing; grown from cuttings or poles.
Sophora tetraptera
S. microphylia
10-12 N:P - Native plants of bush margins and remnants, often cultivated for ornamental value. Copious nectar August-October, which may occasionally be narcotic to bees, particularly if no other nectar is available.
Acacia verticillata 2 PN - Hardy prickly hedge species.
Chamaecytisus palmensis
tree lucerne, tagasaste
5 NP - Rapidly grown shelter plant, good value for bees. Susceptible to silver leaf and stem borers.
Ribes sanguinem
flowering currant
3-5 N:P - Ornamental, common in a few localised areas. Shade-tolerant.
Rosemarinus spp.
2 N:P - Comon culinary herb and ornamental. Prostrate form useful for stabilising banks.
Ulex europaeus
3 P - Excellent pollen source and erosion control plant, but a noxious weed.
Erica lusitanica
Spanish heath
0.5 NP - Excellent source for maintaining colonies during winter and sprint. Begins flowering in April in soome localities. Common in poor farmland and roadside cuttings.
Rubus spp.
bush lawyer
- N:P - Native, common in bush areas.

Table 4: Spring - Early Summer (October-November)

Summer || Autumn/Early Winter || Winter/Early Spring || Spring/Early Summer

Name Final height (m) Nectar and pollen value Surplus honey production Comments
Acer pseudoplatanus
20 NP - Shelter or speciman tree, deciduous
Aristotelia serrata
wineberry, makomako
10 NP - A minor source. Native, is found in regenerating bush. Erosion control species.
Cordyline australis
cabbage tree
20 NP S Common in pastureland and scrub, especially wetter areas. Also an ornamental. Native. Profuse nectar secretion October - early December.
Corynocarpus laevigatus
15 N:P - Native tree of coastal areas. Nectar very toxic to bees.
Elaeocarpus dentatus
18 NP S Beautiful native tree with heavy flowering November - December. Found throughout New Zealand to 600 m.
Fuchia excorticata
kotukutuku, konini
5-14 N:P - Deciduous native, found in bush and regenerating cover. Good source of nectar and conspicuous deep blue pollen, from August - December.
Knightia excelsa
30 N:P S Pioneer species of native bush. Not reliable, but yields heavily on occasions. Found in the North Island and Marlborough Sounds. Decorative timber. Amber honey, dense and coarse-grained.
Ligustrum vulgare
10 NP - Important for spring build-up. Honey bitter in flavour. Suitable shelter species for most areas and soils. Poisonous to stock.
Malus sylvestris
15 PN - Moderate quantities of pollen and nectar gathered if weather is fine.
Pittosporum crassifolium
9 N:P - Native, also found as a garden ornamental.
P. eugenioides
lemonwood, tarata
12 N:P - Native tree, useful for shelter or hedge. Found throughout New Zealand.
P. tenuifolium
9 NP - Native, found throughout New Zealand except West Coast, South Island. Common hedge plant.
Pyrus spp.
17 P - Attractive pollen, but nectar usually too low in sugar concentraiton to attract bees.
Quintinia acutifolia
Westland quintinia
12 NP S Similar to kamahi in appearance. Flowers October - December. Found throughout New Zealand; local in the North Island but common on the West Coast of the South Island.
Robina pseudoacacia
false wattle, black locust
10 N:P - Deciduous legume. Not all varieties give good flowering. High soil temperatures needed for nectar secretion. Rapid growth, easily established from cuttings. Suckering can be troublesome. Timber useful for fence posts and firewood.
Weinmannia racemosa
25 NP S Native tree of regenerating and virgin bush. Flowers November - January. Reliable producer of distinctively flavoured honey.
W. sylvicola
tawhero, towai
20 NP S Flowering similar to that of kamahi. Found to latitude 38 deg South, particularly on forest margins.
Berberis spp.
4 NP S Excellent source, flowers September - November. Common shelter species.
Buddleia salvifolia
4 NP - Salt and wind tolerant. With regular trimming, will make good hedge plant. Fast-growing.
Callistemon citrinus
bottle brush
2 NP - Good shelter species, resistant to draught. Attractive to bees in spring and autumn.
Crataegus oxyacantha
5 N:P S Shelter plant, excellent for bees.
Cytisus scoparius
3 P - Good pollen source September - November. Spreads in waste areas.
Hebe spp.
1 N:P - Over 100 species native to New Zealand. Many lowland forms good for bees. Pioneer species in natural systems, often grown as ornamental.
Phormium tenax
4 N:P S Common throughout New Zealand, especially in wetter areas. Honey dark and strong.
Cyathodes fraseri
patotara, bronze heath
- N:P - Native heath-like plant. Excellent spring source.
Ranunculus spp.
- NP S Found in pastures, particularly in wetter areas. Surplus honey is dark and of medium flavour.
Taraxacum officinale
- N:P - Common herb in pasture areas. Good for spring build-up.
Thymus vulgaris
0.5 NP S Cultivated as culinary herb, grows wild in parts of Central Otago. Honey very strong in flavour. Flowers mid-October - November.
Actinidia chinensis
kiwi fruit
- P - Flowers late November - December, source of cream pollen.
Rubus spp.
berry fruit
- NP S Raspberry (Rubus idaeus) is particularly valuable as a nectar source, occasionally yielding surplus honey. The value to bees of hybrids such as marionberry, toggenberry, etc, is not known.
Brassica spp.
- NP S Includes chou mollier, rape and turnip. Copius quantities of nectar, honey white, mild and fast-granulating.

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