National Beekeepers Association of New Zealand (Inc.) Notes of an Executive Committee Teleconference held at 8.30pm, Thursday March 2nd 2000. In attendance: Mr T Gavin (President); Mrs J Lorimer, Mr T Taiaroa, Mr D Bell & Mr L McKenzie (all executive); Mr T Leslie (Secretary) Matters of Business: 1. PMS Facilitator Mr Gavin reported that he had been in contact with Cliff van Eaton to give some guidance and/or write the facilitators job description. Mr van Eaton fells that there are some problems with certain clauses in the PMS Strategy, but it appears he is quoting from the wrong references. After discussion about Mr van Eaton's concerns, it generally agreed that Mr van Eaton was probably quoting the wrong document. The Committee agreed that they need to see a copy of his letter to Mr Gavin. It was agreed that Mr Gavin would fax to Mr Leslie in the morning so that he could fax out to the Executive. Further discussion carried on about who would fill this important role. The Committee agreed that Mr Gavin and Mr Bell would share the role until the Executive meeting to be held in Wellington on March 20 & 21. At this meeting the issue would be discussed in more depth. Mr Bell reported that the Review Committee, under Murray Bush had had a good meeting by telephone on Sunday 27 Feb. 2. Trust Loan Mr Leslie reported that the Chairman of the Honey Industry Trust had contacted him that afternoon to let him know that the Trust had agreed to loan as an overdraft facility $30,000 at 5% per annum for the month of March. They had also agreed to the Marketing Committees request for $5,000 as a grant for the proposed site at the Mystery Creek Field Days in June. 3. Levy Disputes Mr Leslie reported that there was stream of levy disputes arriving since the invoices were sent out. It was agreed that Mr Leslie is to write to AgriQuality New Zealand, Attention Murray Reid and outline the cases and request copies of AgriQuality's paper work from the disputing beekeepers. A copy of the letter to be sent to Barry O'Neil, MAF Biosecurity. 4. COI Defaulters Mr Leslie and Cath Petrey (Federated Farmers) will discuss correct procedure and costs involved for this with Mike Smith (solicitor) next week. A brief discussion names for COI work was held. Mr McKenzie reported that he is still "negotiating" with Andy Booth. Mr Taiaroa suggested that the PMS Cttee could be approached for a name as well. 5. EU Testing AgriQuality's advice that they had collected $6695 and that this would cover their costs was discussed. The general mood was that this is actually NBA money and that AgriQuality need to be reminded of this. Mr Gavin is to send Murray Reid's letter to Mr Leslie and further action will be discussed at the March Executive Meeting. 6. Apiary Register Audit Mr Gavin reported that the audit is under way and that 2 MAF Staffers had visited him. A watching and waiting brief will be kept. 7. February Executive Minutes Mr Leslie reported that these had been posted today. Some members of the Committee felt uncomfortable with what they considered values judgements of the Executive Secretary and that these were out of order. They were uncomfortable with items relating to budget comments and late agenda items. 8. General Mr McKenzie reported that Mr B Stevenson had called him and requested information on the annual accounts and the PMS Committee. He had been brought up to speed. The March Executive Meeting would aim to start around 10.00am on the 20th as Mrs Lorimer is the last to arrive at 9.40am. Mr Leslie is to discuss with Stephen Riden from Federated Farmers issues surrounding publicising the reason for the ...Home NZ Bkpg Bee Diseases Organisation Information Contacts
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