NATIONAL BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION OF NEW ZEALAND INC MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE NATIONAL BEEKEEPERS ASSOCIATION OF NEW ZEALAND INC HELD IN THE OFFICES OF FEDERATED FARMERS NEW ZEALAND INC, AGRICULTURE HOUSE, 12 JOHNSON STREET, WELLINGTON ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY 20 AND 21 MARCH 2000 COMMENCING AT 11.55 AM ON MONDAY 20 MARCH 2000. _________________________________________________________ PRESENT Mr T Gavin (President in the Chair) Mrs J Lorimer, Messrs D Bell, L McKenzie, T Taiaroa, S C Goodman (Executive Secretary) and T Leslie. APOLOGIES Nil MEETING TIMES It was agreed that the meeting times as set out in the agenda be adopted. AGENDA It was agreed that the following items be added to the agenda: a) Requirements for expense account claims (T Taiaroa) b) Interception of bees in Sydney (T Gavin) c) Agric. Security meeting - Regional ports (T Gavin) d) Executive elections (T Gavin) e) Contact with new beekeepers (J Lorimer) f) Disease recognition (J Lorimer) g) Agreed that agenda item 13 (Pest Management) be moved ahead of item 11, (Marketing/Development) on the agenda paper. MINUTES 1 Executive Meeting 13/14 February 2000 The Chairman was authorised to sign the minutes as a true and correct record. 2 Teleconference meeting 2 March 2000 The Chairman was authorised to sign the minutes as a true and correct record. SURVIVAL 1 Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1999 The Executive Secretary tabled the draft financial statements to 31 December 1999. Matters discussed - had all accrued advertising revenue and printing costs for the Beekeeper been included; increased meeting costs due to the changes agreed; pest management costs; inclusion of interest paid to the trust included as bank charges. The meeting agreed that the draft financial statements disclosing an estimated deficit of $79777, be adopted for presentation to the auditor, acknowledging there may be minor adjustments still required. ACTION: T LESLIE LUNCH The meeting adjourned at 12.50 pm for lunch and reconvened at 1.33 pm. SURVIVAL 2 Apiary Register It was acknowledged that the register was an integral part of the Associations financial records. INSURANCE The Executive met with David Bristow of Special Risks Insurance International Ltd to consider a proposal for a compulsory national bee disease insurance scheme. It was agreed that Mr Bristow would provide an article for the Beekeeper, following which the Executive would decide if a remit should be submitted to members at the AGM ACTION: D BRISTOW SURVIVAL 3 Budget for the year 2000 Amended 28.3.00 The meeting considered the Executive Secretary's paper of the 8 March 2000, being a working paper in respect of the continuing development of the 2000 budget. The meeting then reviewed the levels of expenditure within each aspect of the Association's activities. Savings of $28353 were made in Administration expenditure. Publications - a saving of $8316, to achieve a break even situation. A saving of $2700 within Marketing/Development for EU expenses. ACTION: S GOODMAN It was also agreed that applications be lodged with the Trustees for :- a) Part of the Federated Farmers fee for administration b) Expenses in relation to the surfactants publications c) Spore testing within the Pest Management Strategy. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE The revised figures for the 2000 budget are:- Administration 1946 Publications 0 Marketing/Dev 22251 Pest Mtge. Strat. -14330 Surplus 9867 Further savings of $25800 to be achieved if funds are available from the Trustees. Levels of income from the levy were based on figures supplied by Agriquality and a collection level of 92%, ie 85% collectable 10% collectable less costs of recovery (a net 7%) 5% uncollectable ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 5.25pm and reconvened at 9.11 am on Tuesday 21 March 2000 SURVIVAL 3 Budget for the year 2000 The Executive reviewed its decision of the previous day in respect of this years conference, and agreed that the NBA would only meet the following executive costs:- Arrival on the morning of Tuesday Departure late on Friday ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE The Executive accepted that regular monthly review - actual to budget would be required, and the Executive Secretary was requested to ensure that monthly reports were available to the Executive within 10 working days of the end of the month. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE CALENDAR 2000 The Executive reviewed the draft 2000 calendar of activities and this was approved after suitable amendment. (see appendix 1) For future face to face Executive meetings the members of the Executive would assemble mid-day Sunday for preliminary discussion and debate and the formal meeting would commence at 9.00am on the Monday for a one day meeting. ACTION: T LESLIE MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 1 Executive Meeting 13/14 February 2000 The Executive Secretary to check that clarification had been sent to Gisborne branch as to the days for the Industry AGM ADMINISTRATION 1 Remits and Rule Changes A) It was agreed that the Executive would discuss standing order 40 at its next meeting. B) The Executive Secretary to check the wording of Rule 6 (a), (1) C) General discussion took place in respect of the situation of "other" partners and voting. D) The meeting noted proposed rule changes from Mr N Wallingford, to rules 16(a) and 17(c), (vii) and it was agreed in terms of existing Executive policy these be referred to the Association's Solicitor for comment. ACTION: S GOODMAN 2 Conference Update The Chairman indicated that he had not been in contact with Mr Foster since the last meeting. 3 OSH Safety Plan Mr McKenzie reported no further action. 4 Code of Practice General discussion took place on this subject during which it was noted - a) An application for funding from the Trustees had been prepared b) That MAF had a template to assist. d) No further contact had been made with the Southland branch. Agreed Messrs T Gavin and L McKenzie would pursue. ACTION: T GAVIN/L McKENZIE 5 ACC Nil action, delete from future agenda papers 6 Privacy Commissioner The Chairman reported that he had responded to the Commission, and it was agreed to delete this item from future agendas. 7 Annual Report for 1999 It was agreed that members of sub committees provide the Chairman reports on activities for 1999, and the Executive Secretary was asked to advise those not present at this meeting of this request. ACTION: EXECUTIVE MEMBERS S GOODMAN/T LESLIE 8 Composition of the Executive It was noted that the following terms of office expire this year - T Taiaroa L McKenzie J Lorimer In addition, the vacancy on the Executive was for a one year period. FINANCE 1 Levy collection, including bad debts Mr Leslie reported that communication was being made with all beekeepers who were unfinancial in respect of the 1999 apiary levy. Further follow up would be undertaken once the pressing work load involved with the levy for this year had passed. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE 2 Accounts for Payment The meeting considered the cheque register dated 20.3.00 and accounts paid totalling $95,663.66 were ratified, represented by cheque numbers 000680 to 00714, 15501 to 15910, 500308 to 500350, 16003/4. The Executive approved the account of CHB for payment $5611.82. 3 Expense Claims Members were advised that in respect of claims for expenses supporting invoices or receipts were required for audit and GST purposes, eg telephone accounts with relevant toll calls highlighted. 4 Application to Industry Trust for NBA Funding The meeting noted that the request for a grant had been declined. A loan of $30,000 had been made, repayable on 31 March 2000. Agreed that the Executive Secretary seek repayment deferment until 31 May 2000. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE 5 Applications to the Trust Mr D Bell undertook to make further enquiries about the AgriChemicals application in respect of the spray drift advisory committee. ACTION: D BELL 6 Deferment Procedure In the absence of any draft guidelines, the Executive Secretary was asked to review past criteria and follow up with an Executive conference call. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE 7 Filing Cabinet The Executive Secretary reported that Federated Farmers had loaned the Association two filing cabinets. PUBLICATIONS 1 Profile Document The meeting noted no further progress with the preparation of a revised/new profile document. Mr L McKenzie indicated that he would talk to the publishers of Strategies for 'Greening' the NZ Honey Industry. ACTION: L McKENZIE 2 Responsibilities for Web page The meeting was advised that arrangements had been made for an ISP in Tauranga together with the costs involved, however material needed updating. It was agreed that only the Executive Secretary and the nominated Executive member (currently Mr L McKenzie) be authorised to up date the material on the web site. 3 Nectar and Pollen Sources Mrs J Lorimer agreed to make a copy available to the Executive Secretary, who would obtain cost of reproduction. ACTION: J LORIMER/T LESLIE PEST MANAGEMENT 1 Pest Management Strategy No report was available from the review committee. The meeting reviewed Mr Reid's e-mail of 11 February 2000, and it was agreed: a) that the details of the 216 apiaries inspected by obtained, together with the costs involved and these costs be recovered from the respective beekeepers. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE b) The Executive Secretary to draft a suitable letter from the NBA to all recipients of ADRs warning them of the penalties of non compliance with the legislation and advising them that the NBA would be taking steps to impose the penalties provided within the legislation. The letter to be discussed with Federated Farmer's solicitor. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE c) That the Executive Secretary draft a letter to be sent to those beekeepers who had not completed their certificate of inspection advising that the NBA intended to take action to impose the penalties provided in the legislation. This letter also to be discussed with Federated Farmer's solicitor. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12.40 pm for lunch and reconvened at 1.30 pm. PEST MANAGEMENT 1 Pest Management Study (Cont'd) The meeting considered a letter dated 14 March 2000 from MAF Policy adviser in respect of "appointment renewals for authorised persons" and it was agreed that this be referred to AgriQuality for comment. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE 2 PMS Facilitator Mrs J Lorimer tabled a job description. It was agreed that this be considered in the light of the operational plan, and Mrs J Lorimer was asked to further develop the proposal, with assistance, from others within the industry. (Note - latter in the meeting Mr T Taiaroa agreed to assist in this project.) ACTION: J LORIMER/T TAIAROA 3 Disputes Arbitrator The Executive secretary to confirm Mr I Berry's appointment. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE 4 Review Committee Mr L McKenzie reported that Mr Andy Booth had agreed to serve on the committee. 5 Draft Biosecurity Research Strategy The Chairman undertook to follow this up. ACTION: T GAVIN 6 Cost of Disease Control Agree to await the response to the letter to "all" beekeepers. 7 AgriQuality Contract Subject to consideration by the review committee. ACTION: REVIEW COMMITTEE 8 Revenue from Residue Testing Agreed that the Executive Secretary write to AgriQuality seeking payment of fees collected by them from beekeepers for residue testing. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE 9 Review Committee It was agreed that the Minister be advised of the construction of the review committee together with a brief pen picture of the members. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE 10 Disease Recognition Mrs J Lorimer sought guidance in the case of two dyslexic beekeepers wishing to undertake the trainers course. Agreed that this should be discussed with Mr R Hatfield, contractor for the examinations. ACTION: T LESLIE 11 Trainers Mrs J Lorimer sought guidance in respect of trainers who declined to actually carry out training. It was the opinion of the Executive that in the absence of any agreement between the branch and the trainers, there was little that could be done. It was agreed that the Chairman would discuss with Mr Stephenson, the outcome of the training course at Ruakura, including financials, confirming the details in writing. Concern was expressed as to lack of information on the tests, and Mr T Taiaroa undertook to obtain the information from the Chairman and printed the detail in the Beekeeper. ACTION: T GAVIN MARKETING/DEVELOPMENT 1 Marketing Facilitator Contract Mrs J Lorimer indicated that it was unlikely that a contract would be completed. Arrangements with Floyd Marketing would continue, and similar budget criteria would be applied. 2 Labelling Requirement No further developments. Item to be deleted from future agendas, until some action was required. 3 Import Standards for Bee Products Mr L McKenzie reported there had been no developments, but the issue should be retained on the agenda paper. ACTION: AGENDA 4 Animal Products Act Mr L McKenzie suggested that the topic should be kept under review. ACTION: REVIEW 5 ERMA - Pollen Supplement The Chairman indicated nothing new to report. 6 Application to Import Western Australian Honey The Chairman stated that nothing further had developed. Mr L McKenzie commented on an article on the web site. 7 Field Days - Mystery Creek Mrs J Lorimer reported on financial assistance from the Trustees. The site had been paid for, and a marquee order. Bill Floyd and Trevor Bryant would be among those assisting. 8 Bees to United Kingdom Mr L McKenzie advised that he had spoken to Mr J Edwards and a letter was being prepared setting out the details. ACTION: L McKENZIE 9 IHEO The Chairman stated that he had still to ascertain from Mr I Berry the present situation of the NBA's IHEO representative. ACTION: T GAVIN 10 Strategy for Greening Agreed that this paper be received. 11 Contact with New Beekeepers Mrs J Lorimer expressed concern that the Association was not in contact with beekeepers who were added to the apiary register after the 1 June date. It was agreed that the Executive Secretary ascertain what action the NBA needs to take to access the apiary register direct, such enquiry to include details of all costs involved. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE RESEARCH 1 Surfactant Report Mr D Bell reported that the Pesticides Board would be meeting in the near future, following which aspects of the report should be known. 2 Genetically Modified Organisms Mr L McKenzie was of the opinion that media comment indicated a more balanced attitude from the Government. 3 Landcare Research - Biological Control of Broom Noted no action from ERMA. 4 FRST Nothing to report 5 Honey Research Unit Delete from future agendas ACTION: T LESLIE 6 Phenol Testing The Chairman reported that he had been unable to discuss this item with Mr P Bray but would do so shortly. ACTION: T GAVIN 7 RARU Mrs J Lorimer reported a meeting had not been held. PEST MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 2 Facilitator (Cont'd) A further review of this topic resulted in Mr T Taiaroa offering to assist Mrs J Lorimer. 12 Apiary Register It was agreed the Executive Secretary would refer any document relating to the accuracy of the register to Mr Ashley Edge of Biosecurity. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE CORRESPONDENCE The outwards and inwards correspondence was approved. GENERAL BUSINESS 1 Mr T Leslie indicated that he wished Mr L McKenzie to review his letter to the Minister on the subject of an extension to the drought relief policy. ACTION: T LESLIE/ L McKENZIE 2 The meeting considered correspondence from MAF Biosecurity in respect of the interception of bees in Sydney. It was agreed that the Association should write to the Minister expressing concern that this matter had not been drawn to the attention of the NBA by the Ministry, and requesting that in future any similar incidents should be advised to the Association. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE 4 The chairman advised that at the recent meeting with biosecurity, it appeared that they had adequate coverage in the smaller ports. He would circulate the relevant paper to members of the Executive. ACTION: T GAVIN 5 While discussing the subject of communication with branches, it was agreed that a nomination form for the Executive would be included in the next issue of the Beekeeper. ACTION: S GOODMAN/T LESLIE/T TAIAROA 6 Mr D Bell offered to draft a 'word picture' in relation to the financial statements for submission to the branches. ACTION: D BELL NEXT MEETING It was agreed that the next meeting of the Executive would be a TELECONFERENCE meeting on the evening of TUESDAY, 19 APRIL, 2000 COMMENCING AT 7.30 PM CONCLUSION The meeting concluded at 4.07 pm DATE OF NEXT MEETING CONFERENCE CALL 7.30 PM, TUESDAY, 19 APRIL 2000
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