MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING OF THE NATIONAL BEEKEEPERS' ASSOCIATION OF NEW ZEALAND ~C.) HELD IN THE OFFICES OF FEDERATED FARMERS OF NEW ZEALAND (INC.), AGRICULTURE HOUSE, 12 JOHNSTON STREET, WELLINGTON ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY 15 AND 16 MAY 2000 COMMENCING AT 10.1OAM ON MONDAY 15 MAY 2000. PRESENT: Mr T Gavin President), Mrs J Lorimer, Messrs D Bell, L McKenzie, T Taiaroa, S Goodman Executive Secretary) and T Leslie APOLOGIES: Nil Leave of absence from 1O.OOam until approximately 1100am each meeting day was granted to Mr Bell to allow him to attend the daily varroa conference call at MAF Head Office. MEETING TIMES: The meeting agreed that the Monday adjournment would be at 5.30pm and that the meeting would reconvene at 8.3Oam on Tuesday 16 with completion at 4.OOpm. Visitors: 1. Ms Helen Benard, incident controller MAF NCDI would join the meeting at l.OOpm Monday to up date the committee on the Varroa outbreak. 2. Mr B Doran from CHB Print would join the meeting at l.OOpm on Tuesday to discuss the journal. MEETING CHAIRMAN: At this stage Mr Gavin discussed with the Executive issues around his health status with particular regard his asthma. Lately, particularly during the Varroa outbreak, Ms asthma had been particularly severe. This added pressure was causing Ms family some concern and he was keen to minimise the pressure he is under. With this in mind, Mr Gavin proposed that a position of Executive Chairman is appointed for the meeting and he suggested that Mr Taiaroa assume the Chairmanship of the meeting. Mr Gavin also announced that he will not be seeking another term as President of the Association and that he felt the incoming Executive will need to discuss the idea of an Executive Chairman so that the President's workload is more manageable. He was concerned that the current varroa situation was not allowing him lime to consider issues that as Chairman of the Executive he also needed to be covering. Mr McKenzie felt that Mr Gavin had handled the situation well during the last 5 weeks and by delegating responsibilities to members of the Executive and letting them get on with the job, the workload was well managed. Mr Gavin then passed the Chairmanship of the next two days to Mr Taiaroa. AGENDA REVIEW: The following items were added to the agenda: ( Branches ( AFB Elimination Manual ( David Bristow Insurance Broker ( Branchcapitation ( Trainercourses ( Conference ( Publications and Web Page ANZFA MINUTES: The President was authorised to sign the minutes of the Executive Meeting held March20 and 21 2000. It was agreed that if Mr Bell had any matters arising from the minutes he could raise them on his return from MAF. Lorimer/Gavin CARRIED PRESIDENTS ISSUES: a) New South Wales Apiarist Association 2000 Conference: Mr Gavin has been invited to this conference. As he is unable to attend he will write to them with his and the NBA's best wishes. b) AgriQuality Authorised Persons: At this stage for the Pest Management Strategy there is no level 1 or level 2 people. It was decided that this would be followed up immediately the varroa problem has been dealt with at a cabinet level. c) MFaT. The President has received a report from Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade about Living Modified Organisms. The letter was tabled. d) Library Hon. Librarian John Heineman is very unwell and will be unable to carry on the job. It was agreed that Mr Gavin would talk with Mr Heineman's family and that the position would be advertised in the June journal. e) Northland and Far North Branches of the NBA: These branches are not functioning. Mr Gavin is to write to them to see how they wish to function in the future and suggest that perhaps they amalgamate into one branch. f) MethylBromide: Still available, but is being phased out due to the greenhouse effect. Mr Gavin to watch developments to ensure that a sensible alternative is available. g) IHEO: Mr Gavin to follow up with Mr I Berry h) KMART Hastings: The NBA is pleased with Kmart's responsible attitude of withdrawing from sale last year, gift packs containing imported honey. Mr Gavin and Mr Leslie to follow up and thank them. i) FoRST. Mrs Lorimer to discuss with Bill Floyd possibilities for making an application to them for research funding. j) SurfactantReport: Mr Gavin concerned about the current status of the report It was agreed that Mr Leslie would discuss with Mark Goodwin. In the mean time, if people want a copy they can pull it off the NBA Web Page or they can request a copy from Wellington Office and be charge for copying of. k) Levy: A couple of people had come to Mr Gavins attention that had not received this years levy notice. Mr M William's from Twizel and Mr J Thomson from Taupiri. Mr Leslie to follow up. I) Catalogue of Library: Will be dealt with around the time of appointment of a replacement for Mr Heineman. m) Update of Annual Report: Mr Gavin reported that any contributions from Executive would be appreciated and that all committees need to get their reports into head office. "That the 1999 Annual Report be distributed with the June 2000 magazine." McKenzie/Gavin CARRIED Mr Bell rejoined the meeting and reported briefly on the MAF meeting. ( The hobby beekeeper varroa day in Auckland on Saturday 13 May had been well attended. ( Work was still ongoing in Te Puke. ( Rawene find is a low infestation with only 5 hives infected. ( The exotic pathogen tests had returned 100% clear. The total of new registrations now stands at 865 apiaries and 12,500 hives. ( AgriQuality is updating the apiary register to allow for the tracking work etc if eradication goes ahead. ( Work is still going into a draft operational plan for eradication. ANZFA: Mr Leslie has the draft food standards on CD-ROM. This issue has probably been a bit forgotten in the last few weeks. Mrs Lorimer agreed to talk with Ron Law and make any submissions necessary. IMPORT STANDARDS FOR BEE PRODUCTS: This is still an ongoing issue that requires vigilance. Mr Gavin is to follow up with John Bassett. ANIMAL PRODUCTS ACT' Also ongoing. Mr McKenzie to follow up with the relevant Federated Farmers policy person/people. GMO's: ERMA now have NBA's correct address details. Another issue that needs constant vigilance. Meeting adjourned at 12. O5pin for lunch and reconvened at 100pm. MS HELEN BENARD~ Incident Controller, MAF NCDI joined the meeting and discussed the last few weeks of the Varroa outbreak and where MAF see things going. Ms Benard discussed the modelling done for the spread of the Mite and talked about the ongoing surveillance work and infilling in the infected zone. She is confident that eradication is practicable and feasible. Ms Benard stressed that the Te Puke and Rawene finds were not a real problem as with any exotic disease outbreak, it should be expected that there will isolated "hot spots" appear outside the initial zone. Mr Gavin thanked Ms Benard for her time and all the hard work she has put in since April 11. She retired from the meeting at 2. l5pm LABELLING REQUIREMENTS: No further action is required at this stage. REMITS AND RULE CHANGES: Mr Wallingford, Tauranga has proposed some changes to the rules and some discussion was held over rule 6(a) i. Discussion was held on the appropriate solicitor to send rule changes to for an opinion. Should the NBA now use Federated Farmers solicitor or retain Morrison Kent? It was felt that for this year at least that Morrison Kent should be used to deliberate on rule changes as they have experience with the NBA. "That Mr Wallingford's proposed rule changes be referred to Jane Forrest at Morrison Kent" Lorimer/Bell CARRIED "That rule 6(a) i be referred to Jane Forrest at Morrison Kent for a comment as to suitable new wording." Lorimer/Bell CARRIED The Executive was reminded that the date for remits closing is June 4 2000 and that they have to be out to branches by 27 June 2000. After discussion it was agreed that the June magazine would be used to distribute them. It was also decided that any proposed rule changes would be passed straight to Jane Forrest on receipt at Head Office. OSH SAFETY PLAN: Mr McKenzie reported that haste is now not important and that we should probably take a lead from Federated Farmers. It was agreed that Mr Leslie is to follow the issue up with the appropriate Federated Farmers staff RESEARCH PROJECT: Mr Gavin raised concerns that this two-year-old project of Mark Goodwin's is lying around with no action being taken. It was agreed that it is a great pity that the report has not been given the attention it deserves. Mr Leslie to request an electronic copy and arrange for it to be put on the NBA Web Page. The Executive will consider the next steps next month. CODE OF PRACTISE: The Southland Branch is still working on this. Mr Leslie is to send them a Trust application form so that the issue can be progressed. ROY PATTERSON TROPHY An advertisement for nominations for the award will be placed in the June Magazine with a close off for applications of 30 June 2000. IMPORT STANDARDS - CONTINUED: Mr Gavin reported that he had been talking with Mr Bassett and that the next discussion paper is due in about six months. With regard residue tests, will EU test be satisfactory for Animal Products Act? MAF are to get back to Mr Gavin. MAF VARROA ERADICATION TECHNICAL GROUP: Mr Stucky has responded and copied his response to the NBA. After discussion, it was deemed that the Executive support Mr Stucky's continued involvement on this group and the NBA will write to him acknowledging his report and reaffirming the executive's wish that he stay on the panel. WEST AUSTRALIAN HONEY IMPORTS: The Executive decided it is still against the importation of the honey and that the Secretary is to write to Dr Jim Edwards and inform him of the NBA's opposition at this time. LANDCARE RESEARCH BROOM SURVEY: Mr Gavin to supply the Secretary with the name of the Landcare person responsible for the survey so that the NBA can write to them and find out more of what is going on. COST RECOVERY The Secretary is to keep a watching brief on costs for unreasonable requests and phone calls. CONFERENCE UPDATE: Mr Gavin reported that the organising committee had been in contact with some questions about procedure and protocols. 'The Secretary writes to the Poverty Bay Branch and informs them that: 1. The host Mayor should be invited to open the conference 2. The Executive is happy for Eva Crane to make two speeches; 1st during seminar and the 2nd during the first day of conference. The NBA needs to know more about what it is proposed she will talk about though.) 3. With regard a panel discussion, it is suggested it be; 'How to live with the governments decision on Varroa'. 4. The NBA office will be inviting the Minster of Agriculture to speak at the conference." McKenzie/Bell CARRIED There will need to be reports from: ( All cominittees ( Murray Reid, AgriQuality on PMS ( Mark Goodwin, Hort+Research updates Barry O'Neil, MAF Biosecurity on the Varroa situation. It was also decided that the Varroa situation has changed the attendance needs of the Executive. There now needs to be a 2pm meeting on the Monday. "That the Executive meets in Gisborne at 2pm on Monday July 17 and that bookings be made for 2 rooms Sunday night and seven rooms Monday-Thursday inclusive" McKenzie/Lorimer CARRIED FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND TRADE: Mr Gavin reminded the meeting that we need to be aware of what MFaT is involved in and that the Minister of Agriculture is also the Minister of Trade. COMPUTER: Mr Taiaroa raised concerns over memory problems with the Secretary's computer. Mr Leslie advised that the computer he uses is actually the Young Farmers' Clubs machine and that Federated Farmers are aware of the problems and they will be addressed in the next few weeks. HONEY RESEARCH UNIT. Mrs Lorimer reported that the Field Days project is well in hand. Fiona O'Brien will co-ordinate things as a contractor to the NBA. There is a need for the NBA to hold public liability insurance. Mr Leslie to follow up with the Association's insurance broker. Meeting adjourned at 5.OOpm. Tuesday 16 May 2000. Meeting reconvened at 8.50ain. ACCOUNTS: Pavments for approval Cheque# Creditor $ (if applicable) Mar00 717 Executive Caterers 87.50 718 DF Bell 1,016.02 719 West Plaza 804.60 720 T Gavin 123.98 721 Telecom 1.90 722 Air New Zealand 2,978.02 723 A Taiaroa 276.40 724 AgriQual 11,706.75 725 AgriQual 23,413.50 726 CHE Print 5,611.82 46,020.49 Varroa Related - To Date Air New Zealand 366.00 A P Shuttles 138.00 Dzina Web Pages 473.64 This Hotel 398.65 T Gavin Expenses 800.00 Telecom 47.82 James Cook 1,661.62 West Plaza 2,636.05 Skyway Lodge 175.00 Oakwood Manor 3,494.25 J Lorimer - Tolls 324.98 L McKenzie 599.20 11,115.21 April & May 2000 Dzina Web Pages 33.75 A Taiaroa 213.50 CHE Print 10,306.17 AgriQual - 23,413.50 AgriQual - Testing 4,776.75 M Bush 210.16 Creative House 2,475.00 Federated Farmers 34,952.01 Pronto Copy 219.38 Floyd Marketing 4,368.80 Telecom 72.08 Clear 39.18 BNZ Account fee 12.50 Gavins Apiaries 400.24 At Work Insurance 114.31 J Lorimer 59.90 T Leslie 72.50 81,739.73 ------------ 138,875.43 Current Account at 28/04100 323,437.97 184,562.54 To Consider The $30,000 overdraft from the Trust @ 5% 3 months = 30,375 to pay back on 31105/00 "The payments made be ratified and the accounts presented be approved." Gavin/Lorimer CARRIED "That the $30,000 on loan from the Trust as a form of overdraft be repaid on 31 May 2000." Lorimer/McKenzie CARRIED "That the Waikato Branch of the NBA account of $3,000.00 for the National Field Days be paid" Gavin/Lorimer CARRIED Deferrals: It was decided that the Association would have to go by the same system as the previous few years for 2000 as there is an ingrained expectation from many levy payers that they can use the NBA as their bank. This is unfortunate as the deferral system is only for cases of genuine hardship such as drought. An updated system will be brought into place and minuted at the Annual General Meeting so that there can be no confusion in the future: Invoices will be sent in September for payment on 20 February 2001 based on what is on the register at 31 August 2000. This will give AgriQuality ample time to update the register based on the ADR's. A statement will be sent on 31 December 2000 as a reminder. 2000 YEAR ADR's: Executive was disappointed that this years Annual Disease Return's had not been sent by due date. It was felt that regardless of the fact that Varroa had arrived on April 11 2000, they should have been ready to go at the end of March. It was decided that the Secretary writes to AgriQuality and expresses the NBA's disappointment that the ADR's were late. ACC: At this stage, because the NBA is not an employer there is no issue of concern. The issue needs a watching brief. FRST: Mrs Lorimer to talk with Bill Floyd and Mr Gavin to talk with Mark Goodwin with regard opportunities or action that the NBA needs to consider. WEB PAGE: The Secretary to check the MAF page to ensure that the NBA contacts are up to date. Also important to consider future development to ensure that the page, www.nba.org.nz is relevant and up to date. TRUSTEES: Executive discussed the terms of current Trustees. Consensus is that at tins stage there is no need to consider any changes to the Trustees. The Executive also discussed the use of the Trusts once there has been a decision from government on Varroa. At this time the NBA will have to consider making application to help with education, publicity and membership issues. NEXT EXECUTIVE MEETING: Teleconference at 7.3Opm on 13 June 2000. Executive meeting in Gisborne 2.OOpm, Monday 17 July 2000. COMMITTEE REPORTS: ( Exotics - no report. Mr McKenzie reported that he had attempted to make contact with the chairman of the committee during the first fortnight of the Varroa response to ascertain the Committees response and thoughts. Still no action apart from Mr Lindsay making contact and visiting Mr Taiaroa at Head Office. ( PMS. Mr Bush had contacted asking for a direction for the Committee. The Executive felt that regardless of the Varroa situation, the PMS Committee should carry on with it's AFB work and work towards getting their report to the Minister and thinking about the contract for next year. ( Marketing. Had already reported earlier. Field days the main activity. ( Publications. Considering a new magazine publisher who will gather advertising and publish the journal at no cost to the NBA apart from postage. Meeting adjourned for lunch at 12.15 and reconvened at 1.OOpm. MR DORAN - CHB PRINT: Mr Doran joined the meeting until 1.45pm and discussed general Beekeeper Magazine management issues with the Executive. He stressed the need for the address labels to be post coded for better value postage and that articles and advertising must be in on time. TRAINING OF TRAINERS DAYS: These two sessions were held at Ruakura and Lincoln on consecutive days. "The Secretary to write to Mr B Stevenson and ascertain the attendance at each day and supply the NBA bank account number so that Mr Stevenson can deposit the proceeds from the days." Lorimer/McKenzie CARRIED APPLICATIONS TO TRUST: The only application the Executive was aware of related to investigation of spray drift. Mr Bell to follow-up and get back to the Secretary if any action is required. AUDIT OF APIARY REGISTER: "That the report be received, members submit their comments to the Secretary. Any recommendations for further action on access and maintenance be deferred for discussion at the June meeting." Bell/Lorimer CARRIED LEVY DEFERRAL POLICY The issue of deferrals was revisited. After discussion a new policy was proposed: Apply in writing by 31 December stating reason for application with supporting documentation. The payment schedule to be: 1/3 on receipt of application, post dated to 31 March 1/3 on31 May, 1/3on31 July. if any cheque bounces, the debt to sent straight to a collection agency. if the second instalment is late, it doubles. This policy will be taken to the AGM so that it is minuted as an AGM action. VARROA: A letter from Mr B Stevenson was tabled. Mr Stevenson considers that Varroa should be included in a pest management strategy. The Executive considered the issue and decided that any action is premature as the NBA still does not know what the end situation will be and currently is not resourced for a Varroa PMS. Once a cabinet decision is made, the Association will be in a better position to plan. Mr Bell discussed some of his concerns about the future regarding education and social support. "That the NBA consult the appropriate experts (e.g. Andrew Matheson) to pull together the relevant information about dealing with varroa and establishing a Varroa investigation unit. (This may involve funding from the trust to employ a student research person.)" Bell/Lorimer CARRIED "The Secretary to discuss with Federated Farmers how best to tackle the issue of social assistance for apiarists who may find themselves in difficulty dealing with the consequences of the Varroa incident." McKenzie/Bell CARRIED Mr Gavin talked about the $2,5000 cheque sent to the office to set up a fighting fund. It was decided to write to the donor and thank them for their kind donation, stress that at this stage it is too early to tag the money to specific varroa programmes. The Secretary is also to send a copy of the MAF Techincal Group's report to the NBA's Easter Monday Group. AEB ELIMINATION MANUAL: Some concern was raised that the journal Bee Bizz is advertising the manual for sale. The Secretary to follow up on issues of copy write and sale of the manual when Mr Taiaroa sends a copy to the office. PUBLICATIONS: The magazine was revisited. In light of the proposal from McKenzie Thornton publishers it was decided that Mr McKenzie is to follow up with them and discuss issues around editing and delivery' to the appropriate postal centre. Report back to the June meeting. LAST YEARS REMITS: Executive members to address these and report at the June meeting. Meeting closed at 4. 10pm.
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