Minutes of the National Beekeepers Association of New Zealand (Inc), National Executive Committee Meeting 01-02 Number 1 held 30 & 31 August 2001 commencing @ 9.30am on the 30 th . 1. Present Executive: Don Bell (President), Lin McKenzie (Vice President), Jane Lorimer, Philip Cropp, Fiona O'Brien and Gerard Martin. Executive Secretary Tim Leslie No apologies 2. Welcome President Don Bell, welcomed all to the first full meeting of the 2001/2002 Executive and particularly welcomed Fiona O'Brien and Gerard Martin. Don stressed that Executive members should maximise their time on the Executive and not turn their positions into a penance. The NBA is now seen as the industry organisation in a corporate world. It is more than ever before accountable to the membership. Decisions made by the executive are final and that people sitting around the table are collectively responsible for decisions taken. 3. Minutes "Minutes of meeting 08 held June 15, 2001 are an accurate record." McKenzie/Lorimer Carried Matters arising - Nil Actions Meeting 08 Action 8.1 If the EU issue is not sorted out by the Conference, the NBA and AgriQuality enter into binding mediation. Tim and Don to progress over the next week and if no results start to get Mike Smith involved. Lin McKenzie to find a mediator in Queenstown. Addressed at the meeting with AgriQuality in Hamilton on July 16. Action 8.2 Lin McKenzie to continue and finalise by Conference. Finalised with agreement to buy policy time. Action 8.3 Terry Gavin and Tim Leslie to progress the AgriQuality issues and seek a meeting with AgriQuality prior to visiting Queenstown. Meeting held July 16. Action 8.4 Phil Cropp to update progress on 6.10 – 6.12 as a post meeting minute note. Signed off. Action 8.5 Tim Leslie to forward O’Brien and Martin copies of the MAF audits and AgriQuality Contract. Signed off. Action 8.6 Tim Leslie to create an up to date draft constitution of the NBA using the new rules. Signed off. Action 8.7 Send a copy of Minister Burton’s letter to PMS Committee Chairman. Signed off. Action 8.8 Tim Leslie to continue work on debt ageing reporting and vigorously uphold the levy collection policy. Underway. Action 8.9 Tim Leslie to supply portfolio holders and committee chairmen with their respective pages of the monthly financial reports. Is now happening Action 8.9 The portfolios to review their monthly figures with the Finance Committee so that at the Planning meeting a three-year plan can be formulated. Underway. Action 8.10 Lin McKenzie to write up a report from the meeting of 14 June 2001 and ensure it goes in Beekeeper. Signed off. Action 8.11 Tim Leslie to forward the Trust Application of M Morris to the Environment Committee without comment. Signed off. Action 8.12 T Leslie to write a response and circulate to the Executive prior to sending. Signed off. Action 8.13 Library to supply a borrowing policy and a collections and acquisitions policy. Underway. 4. Correspondence: "That the inwards correspondence be accepted and the outwards approved." MAF: Request For Proposal VOAC: Minutes 18 July 2001 Meeting MAF: Small scale management information paper Hon J Sutton: Acknowledgement MAF: Options for long-term Varroa Management MAF: Turn down of NBA Tender BoP Branch: Inviting Exec to their September Meeting Cooney, Lees & Morgan: DECA Arbitration Crombie & Lockwood: Insurances Hon Lianne Dalziel: Response to our letter re immigration issues Primary Production Select Committee: Biosecurity Amendment Bill Rural Women NZ: Copy of letter to Minister Agriculture re Compensation Waipa District Council: Proposed Plan Changes Waikato Branch: Copt of letter to Minister of Agriculture MAF: Draft Audit report AP2 training Outwards A beekeeper: Levy Branches: Minutes, rule changes & other AGM material AgriQuality: Carr AFB case Minister Agriculture: Copies of AFB case correspondence Carr: AFB case follow-up S Weenink: DECA Arbitration Minister: Immigration Request for help with overseas beekeeper entry Sustainable Farming Fund: Application and follow-up Branches: SSFund Hon J Sutton: Supporting Waikato Beekeepers MAF: Tender for Varroa Extension A McCaw: Thanks for conference BoP Branch: Acknowledgement of request Cooney, Lees & Morgan: Arbitration Cropp/Lorimer Carried Jane Lorimer excused herself from the meeting @ 9.50am to attend a meeting with Technology NZ to discuss possible marketing project funding. 5. The minutes of the NBA Executive meetings held in Queenstown 24 July & 27 July 2001 were tabled. Meeting adjourned @ 10.00am for morning tea. Meeting reconvened @ 10.20am. "The minutes of the NBA Executive Meeting, 24 July 2001 be accepted as an accurate record." McKenzie/Lorimer Carried "The minutes of the NBA Executive Meeting, 27 July be accepted as an accurate record." McKenzie/Martin Carried 6. The Carr AFB incident was discussed and the incident controller/recorders report was tabled. Discussion about the costs associated with the incident was held. "That the incident controller for the Carr AFB be paid at the rate of $25.00 per hour plus GST and expenses. Further, the Executive Secretary to invoice Carr for the NBA's expenses as agreed." McKenzie/Martin Carried 7. Reports: Mr Bell welcomed, as an observer, Richard Hatfield to the meeting @ 11.25am. Jane Lorimer returned to the meeting at 11.35am. Mr Hatfield left the meeting at 11.55 am. Varroa Discussion held on the return of strips. The Executive agreed that the agreement agreed at the time of distribution that strips not returned be paid for. Mr Bell reported that the Varroa Management Group agreed at its meeting on 23/8/01 that invoices are sent. Action Executive Secretary to contact the Varroa Programme Manager and inform him that the NBA endorses the action to invoice those beekeepers who have not returned strips. Meeting adjourned at 12.00pm for lunch. Meeting reconvened at 12.40pm. 8. Finances "That the financial report for 31/7/01 be adopted." Lorimer/McKenzie Carried 9. General Business 9.1. Portfolios and Committees Discussion around the relative role of committees was held. It was agreed that the Executive is the policy, governance and administration side of the NBA - the strategic side. In the past the Executive has tried to be all things to all people. It has been reactive and has not used committees well. The role of the executive is to see the work is done and ensure that the resources are available to the committees to achieve their work. The executive looked at the committees the NBA has beenor is involved in and broke them into two groups: Standing Committees and Advisory/Adhoc Committees and agreed that Executive members are members of these committees ex officio. Standing Committees PMS Operations D Bell with P Cropp as deputy. PMS Compliance/Review D Bell Marketing P Cropp Finance G Martin Environment J Lorimer with F O'Brien as deputy Communications F O'Brien Library F O'Brien Export/Import P Cropp Support L McKenzie Honey Research Unit J. Lorimer with F O'Brien as deputy Apricultural Research Advisory Committee J Lorimer Advisory/Adhoc Committees Varroa Oversight Advisory Committee J Lorimer with D Bell as deputy. Editorial F O'Brien Exotics G Martin Governance R Hatfield Others the NBA is represented on Varroa Management Group J Lorimer with D Bell as deputy. Animal Biosecurity Consultative Committee T Leslie Varroa Planning Group D Bell with J Lorimer as deputy A new position of Committee Co-ordination Person was agreed to. This position is to act as a circuit breaker and support person to portfolio holders. Lin McKenzie appointed to the role. It was also agreed that by 18 September committee sponsors would: (1) identify committee members and vacancies. (2) draft a preliminary (1 st Draft) budget for the next 12 months to 3 years. (3) review committee terms of reference. 9.2 Remit Allocation: Remit 1 (14) Jane Lorimer "That the line between the buffer and infested zones be maintained and defended for as long as possible and, if Varroa is found south of the line, the line be shifted to a sensible geographical line after all other options have been fully investigated for maintaining the line in its present position." Remit 2 (18) Varroa Research Advisory Committee/Jane Lorimer "That this Conference recommends to the Executive that they consider the introduction of Varroa tolerant bee stock to the New Zealand Beekeeping industry, to reduce the effect of Varroa and improve the economics of the beekeeping industry." Motion regarding rule changes referred to Conference of Branch Delegates Governance Committee/Richard Hatfield "The rule changes as proposed by the Executive be referred back to the incoming Executive for further deliberation and communication with branches, with a view to having firm rule changes for presentation at a Special Meeting to be held at our next Annual Conference." Remit 5 (8) Gerard Martin "That this Conference recommends to the Executive that, The NBA commission an investigation into the options available for the treatment and or eradication of European Foulbrood in New Zealand." Remit 8 (11) Don Bell "This conference recommends to Executive on behalf of the New Zealand Hobbyist Beekeepers that Executive negotiates with Government for the removal of the Statutory Declaration clause under the Commodity Levies (Bee Products) Order 1996." Remit 10 (9) Executive to note "That this Conference recommends to the Executive that they ensure that any policies adopted by them are formulated in accordance with the provisions and spirit of the Rules of the Association and comply with governing legislation." Remit 12 (15) Research responsibility under Jane Lorimer & Philip Cropp "That this Conference recommends to Executive that they facilitate the development of clover that produces Nectar and persists for many years in pasture." Remit 18 (6) Environment Committee/Jane Lorimer "That this Conference recommends to Executive that this industry express its concern to the use of Imidacloprid (Gaucho)." Remit 19 (12) Marketing Committee/Philip Cropp "That this conference recommends to the Executive that the marketing committee presents to the AGM of the NBA, a business plan for the ensuing 12 months." Remit 20 (19) Communications & Support/Fiona O’Brien & Lin McKenzie "That this Conference recommends to the Executive that the Beekeeping Industry endeavour to co-ordinate rural industries to speak with one voice to increase pressure on the Government to provide better border security." Remit 21 (20) Exports, Imports & Exotics/Philip Cropp & Gerard Martin "That this Conference recommends to the Executive, that an approach be made to the Government to get all incoming shipping containers opened and their contents inspected." Late Remits: Remit 23 (Poverty Bay) Environment/Jane Lorimer "That this conference affirms the NBA submission to the Royal Commission on GM for a moratorium with annual review on open release of GM plants and in particular plants visited by bees. We request that the Executive continue to lobby Government for such a moratorium if necessary after the Royal Commission on GM delivers its findings." Remit 24 (R Berry) Varroa Management Group/Jane Lorimer "That this conference strongly recommends to Executive that an additional control line be established immediately north of Wellington along natural boundaries having least effect on commercial beekeeping in the Wellington area. This line to stop any live bee movement from north of this line to south of this line." Remit 25 (A McCaw) Executive "That this conference recommends to Executive that the Auckland Branch of the National Beekeepers' Association host the 2002 Conference" 9.3 Appointment of NBA Treasurer: "That Gerard Martin be appointed as NBA Treasurer." McKenzie/Lorimer Carried 9.4 Branch & Club Meetings Bay of Plenty Branch - 11/09/01 It was agreed that as the Bay of Plenty Branch has invited a representative(s) of the 2000/01 Executive to their meeting that Lin McKenzie and Jane Lorimer would attend this meeting. This is a good opportunity for Lin to discuss the Sustainable Farming Fund Project. Taranaki Club Meeting - 15/09/01 This club has invited the President to attend a meeting. Don Bell and Tim Leslie will attend. Fiona O'Brien will attend both meetings as well. Meeting adjourned at 3.00pm for afternoon tea. Reconvened @ 3.20pm. 9.5 Programme for the rest of the Calendar year. The need to review the Strategic Plan and update, plus the requirement to start the 2002 budget were discussed. It was agreed to combine these two processes in mid-late September. It was decided also that the Chairpersons of the major committees be invited to the first day of the planning and budgeting to explain their respective committee's plans for the coming year. Due to dates for the meeting being difficult to arrange, it was agreed to discuss the dates first thing in the morning of August 31. 9.6 MAF Food Meeting Jane Lorimer reported that 14 NBA members had attended a two day workshop on 28 & 29 August to look at setting up a draft code of practice. Lin McKenzie expressed concern that this group could be making decisions that affect an individuals business. It was emphasised that this group needs to achieve industry "buy in." "That the group comprising Jane Lorimer, Philip Cropp, Tony Taiaroa, Don Stedman, John Wright, Sue Johns, Barry Foster, Allen McCaw, Russell Berry, Chris Elmsly, Mike Stuckey and John Rawcliff currently discussing with MAF Food the establishment of an Industry Code of Practise be given NBA Project Status. Terms of Reference and budget allocations be established by Lorimer and Cropp and this project group will work under these Terms of Reference as per the NBA's Project Policy." McKenzie/Lorimer Carried 9.7 Role of Immediate Past President Mr Bell raised the issue that there is no provision within the NBA's rules for the position of IPP and perhaps this constrains using their skills at times. "The Executive recommends the office of Immediate Past President be added to the NBA's rules and that this proposition be considered by the Governance Committee in its 2001/2001 year rule reviews." O'Brien/Cropp Carried Richard Hatfield joined the meeting at 4.15pm. Mr Bell handed the chairmanship of the meeting to Mr McKenzie @ 4.15pm to attend a meeting with the Group Director, Animal Biosecurity, Dr Barry O'Neill. 9.8 Project proposed by Kim van Vuuren Kim van Vuuren has proposed a project to address pollination services in the South Island to Mr O'Neill of the Varroa Oversight Advisory Committee. The Executive felt that this project is of some merit, but the time frame proposed poses a problem. If it is to be linked to the VOAC's work – designed to contribute to their work with regard the two-year Varroa Management Programme finishing on 31/10/02 – it does not have time to achieve much constructive input as it is designed for completion in May 2002. The Executive to ask if the time frame can not be truncated or ascertain what other use the project has in mind outside of the two-year plan. Action Executive Secretary to write to Bryan O'Neill and outline the Executive’s thinking on the project. 9.9 Biosecurity Amendment Bill & ACC Changes It was agreed to tag on to the work of Federated Farmers on these two current issues. Any Executive members with points to make should channel them to the Executive Secretary who will pass on to the relevant Federated Farmers people. The PMS Compliance/Review Committee will be asked to consider also. 9.10 Federated Farmers' media seminar/induction course. Lin McKenzie attended from the NBA. He felt is was a useful day that highlighted the need to be passionate and believe in what you are saying when interviewed. 9.11 Labelling of GM Foods Mr McKenzie drew the meeting's attention to a letter he had received from Foodstuffs (SI) about label requirements regarding about GM freedom. This is the first of many to come it is felt. Richard Hatfield retired from the meeting at 4.45pm. 9.12 Royal Commission Report on GM Executive felt that the most significant recommendation for the NBA is that MAF must draw up guidelines for preventing GM pollen being picked up by bees. It was agreed that industry must have input into this strategy if adopted by Government. The NBA keenly awaits the Government's response to the report. Don Bell returned @ 5.15pm and resumed the Chair. 9.13 Distribution of Minutes As the Conference had reconfirmed the rule to distribute minutes within 14 days it was decided to try and achieve this as much as possible. Consensus reached that the President will sign off Executive Meeting minutes at a minuted teleconference within a fortnight of each executive meeting. 10 Meeting with Barry O'Neill Don Bell reported that this meeting has been constructive. He had raised with B O'Neill that during the recent audit of Authorised Person training, some interviewees had felt intimidated and embarrassed about some of the questions asked of volunteers. Dr O'Neill gave an assurance that at future audits, the questions will be submitted to the NBA prior to audit commencement. Don Bell also reported that Dr O'Neill is anxious to get the Varroa Phase III underway and he was pleased to hear the NBA has taken some first steps by drafting a plan. Meeting adjourned for the day @ 5.40pm. Meeting reconvened @ 8.45am on Friday August 31. Don Bell in the chair. No apologies 11 Applications to the Trust 11.1 Donovan "The application by B Donovan be referred to the Varroa Research Advisory Committee for their recommendation." McKenzie/Cropp Carried 11.2 Marketing Committee "That the Marketing project as presented be recommended to the Trust for support." Lorimer/Cropp Carried 12 NBA Executive Programme until March 2001. The following schedule was agreed to: Planning & Budget 25-26 September 2001 Executive 27 September 2001 Teleconference 09 or 10 October 2001 Executive 28 & 29 November 2001 Executive 30 & 31 January 2002 Executive to Receive AgriQuality March 2002 Report @ Ruakura 19 &20 March 2002 Meeting adjourned @ 9.25am to have a Workshop with the PMS Op's Committee. Meeting reconvened @ 2.55pm. 13 Sustainable Farming Fund Lin McKenzie reported that he had just been informed the Sustainable Farming Fund contract has been sent to his home address for signing. 14 Hort Research Contract - Spore Testing The Executive agreed that this contract should be signed by the President to day and posted back to Hort Research. 15 Wrap up Don Bell thanked all for their attendance and input the last day and one half. For the next meeting executive need to: * Consider their budgets. * Review relevant portions of the Strategic Plan. * Consider issues for the Strategic Plan 1-3 years out. * Have committees in place by the September meeting. 16 Closure Don Bell closed the meeting at 3.20pm.
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