Minutes of the National Beekeepers Association of New Zealand (Inc), National Executive Committee Meeting 01-02 Number 2 held on 26/9/01 and 27/9/01 commencing @ 9.10am in the Ormond Room, Agriculture House, Johnston Street, Wellington on 26/9/01. 1. Welcomed to the meeting by President Don Bell. Don thanked the Executive for their attendance and input at the Planning meeting on 25/9/01. There was one apology from Lin McKenzie for lateness. 2. Minutes "The minutes of Executive Meeting held on 30 & 31 August 2001 be confirmed as an accurate record." Lorimer/Cropp Carried Matters arising: A brief discussion held on recent correspondence to Ministers (as recorded in correspondence) endorsed the sentiment of the letters. "The notes of the workshop held to discuss the future direction and management of the AFB PMS on 29/8/01 be accepted and the policy for the chain of command be adopted." Lorimer/Cropp Carried 3. Correspondence Inwards From: Re MAF: ABCC Papers MAF: VMG Minutes Statistics NZ: Latest Stats David Woodward: Telford Courses MAF: Draft costs for Exotics surveillance Minister Agriculture: Response to Waikato support letter Minister Agriculture: Invite to Launch of Biosecurity Awareness Hort Research: Latest summary of AFB testing Outwards To: Re Branches: Telford Courses Branches: Minutes & Biosecurity Amendment Macbeth: UMF Group Honey Trust: SSFund & Marketing Applications and follow up Ministers: Clark, Sutton, Hobbs, Hodgson & King Royal Commission and moratorium Bryan O'Neill: Van Vurren P Bolger: Apistan Strip follow-up. "That the outwards correspondence be approved." Cropp/Lorimer Carried "That the inwards correspondence be accepted." Bell/Lorimer Carried 4. Finance It was agreed to discuss financial result to 31/8/01 after lunch. 5. Reports The meeting broke for morning tea @ 10.00 am and resumed @ 10.15am. Finance Gerard Martin discussed issues around the finance portfolio and raised the deferral issue. It was agreed that the NBA has a policy that is due for revision in November 2001. "G Martin and Executive Secretary to work on a review of Deferral Policy as part of the budget formation." McKenzie/O'Brien Carried PMS Philip Cropp reported on progress with an AFB problem in Nelson - it is now tidied up. Action The Executive Secretary to write to Nelson Branch and thank them for their help with the AFB problem. Action The Executive Secretary write to D Greuber (retiring AgriQual Livestock officer) and thank him for his work and wish him well in his new position with MDC. Marketing A busy month with work on standards and animal products Act. Also discussion with the UMF Group. QUALITY MARK This is nearing completion with the following steps to complete this project. 1. Form company this week to own the trade marks and administrative standards. 2. Finish honey characteristic standards 3. Completion of harvesting standards 4. Write auditing steps and procedures 5. Sell the idea and concepts to 6 large NZ packers in the months of Oct/Nov. 6. Launch and sell project to industry Funding required: $12,000 for this project to be completed CINDERELLA PROJECT Industry NZ Application has been a problem with more information required twice now. No reply from Beekeepers Trust fund application. It is proposed that we start Peter Molan's research work by spending $35,000 on this project from NBA marketing funds. This project is the formulation and validation of assay for testing the antioxidant and antibacterial properties of NZ bush honey and a trial on the shelf life of these honeys. The marketing committee would like project funding of $10,000 for the Cinderella project to cover: * Development of Licence agreement * Registering Trade Mark * Trade NZ application costs U.M.F Discussion has taken place and a report is going to the marketing committee for comment. COMMITTEE MEMBERS The new chairperson is Tony Taiaroa. I would like to thank Jane Lorimer for her work as Chairperson of the Marketing Committee. FINANCE Marketing to date has only spent $30,000 out of a budget of $110,000 I would like to move that the three projects outlined in my report totalling $12,000 for Quality Mark $10,000 Cinderella Project and $35,000 Peter Molan's Research be approved for completion and financing. "That the marketing projects continue with the budget funds allocated." Cropp/O'Brien Carried "That the marketing budget allocate up to $3000 to assist J Rawcliffe to attend Apimondia 2001." Lorimer/Cropp The President put the motion: 0 for 4 against 2 abstentions Motion lost. Executive Members visit to Bay of Plenty Branch: Lin McKenzie tabled a letter from Bay of Plenty Branch chairman. The letter is as a result of the meeting o BoP Branch attended by Mr McKenzie, Jane Lorimer and Fiona O'Brien. Action L McKenzie to respond and circulate a draft to the Executive. Meeting broke for lunch @ 12.30pm and returned @ 1.30pm. Committee Issues Action Executive Secretary to write to branches and invite interested members to submit names for NBA Committees. Finance "The Executive extends its thanks to Josephine Lewis for her efforts with NBA finances since October 1999." Lorimer/McKenzie Carried Executive Expenses "The Executive Expenses of $4,670.28 be paid." Cropp/Martin Carried Bank Account Signatories "That with the change to Hamilton for the NBA's accounting, the cheque signatories be changed from two of either Catherine Petrey, Josephine Lewis, Tim Leslie or Terry Gavin to any two of three nominated Federated Farmers staff members being: Executive Director, Administration and Membership Services; The Administration Manager or the Administration Assistant." Martin/Cropp Carried Bank Account "That the NBA change its current account from BNZ Hastings to the same branch of the National Bank as Federated Farmers." Cropp/Martin Carried "That the President Don Bell and Vice President, Lin McKenzie be issued Federated Farmers Diners Club Cards in the name of the NBA." O'Brien/Cropp Carried General 6.2 Varroa Compensation Claims Problems with Varroa compensation were discussed. Executive Secretary reported that to date, 6 beekeepers had responded to the Executive's request for detail on varroa compensation problems. A lawyer in Tauranga is following the issue up on behalf of a couple of beekeepers. "That the NBA refer beekeepers with compensation issues to Glenn Dixon of DTS Lawyers, Tauranga." Martin/Carried 6.5 Waikato request to Minister of Agriculture for further free varroa treatment. The Executive felt that it had done all that can be done by writing to the Minister in support of Waikato's request. Any further action must come from the branches concerned. 6.10 Honey Trust Application - Propolis Collection and Production "The Executive acknowledges receipt of the application and refers it to F Lindsay for comment." Cropp/O'Brien Carried 6.13 Article in October 2001 NZ Gardener. An article in the October 2001 NZ Gardener re honey feeding of birds was discussed. Action Environment portfolio holder to discuss with M Goodwin and decide on an action." McKenzie/Cropp Carried 6.15 Bee Plus Software. Lin McKenzie tabled a letter from the company that developed this software. They offered it to the industry as a package deal and suggested it could be a "Sustainable Farming Fund" project. Lin also tabled his reply indicating it should be submitted to the "Project Committee" for evaluation. 6.16 West Coast Branch Mr Cropp reported that the West Coast Branch is working with DOC on the Coast to minimise consent costs. 6.18 F O'Brien tabled a report of the New Plymouth Hobby meeting. 6.19 J Lorimer tabled a letter from Mr L Bullock re "green" varroa eradication. The executive noted his points. Meeting adjourned at 5.10pm. Recommenced at 9.10am on 27/9/01. General Business continued. 6.9 Biosecurity Amendment Act. Executive Secretary reported that Federated Farmers have a submission in hand - a watching brief will be maintained 6.11 NBA Policies and Terms of Reference: "That portfolio holders review Policies and Terms of Reference so that they can be reviewed at the November 2001, Executive Meeting." Cropp/Lorimer Carried 6.7 Draft Audit Report - AFB-PMS Appointments under the Biosecurity Act 1993 The Executive discussed the draft audit report of Authorised Person Training. Summary of Recommendations for NBA (as per draft audit) 12.2 Recommendation for the NBA: That the NBA develop a contract for agencies providing AP2 training. The contract should have provisions for an approved training programme and audit/monitoring function by the NBA. (Section 9.3 Contractual arrangements). 12.3 Recommendation for the NBA: That the NBA require AQNZ to develop a process for ensuring and demonstrating competency, and providing suitable training records for all AP1 appointments. (Section 9.3 Authorised persons - level one appointments). 12.7 Recommendation for the NBA: That the training provider be required to present certificates of attendance and examination results to candidates who attend the AP2 training days. (Section 9.4 - Records associated with training) 12.8 Recommendation for NBA and AQNZ: That the Biosecurity Act 1993 Authorised Person Resource Manual - Apiculture and any other training documentation be under appropriate document control (refer to AS/NZS ISO 9001:2000, Section 4.2.3) with a register of issue maintained. (Section 9.4 - Document control of the AQNZ training manual) 12.9 Recommendation for the NBA: That the NBA develop and implement an audit/review programme to ensure AQNZ training programmes are completed as required by any service contract specifications. (Section 9.5 - Internal Auditing of AP process and performance) 12.10 Recommendation for the NBA: That the NBA develops an audit programme to ensure the obligations required of AP2s are being complied with. (Section 9.5 - Internal Auditing of AP process and performance) After a discussion around the recommendations pertaining to the NBA it was moved: "The NBA responds positively to the audit but points out the problems inherent in the PMS being run and funded by a voluntary organisation. Lorimer/Cropp Carried Management of the AFB PMS Don Bell tabled a letter received from Murray Bush, in which he outlined a broad solution, which would enable the Management Agency to better facilitate its responsibilities to the Strategy in the short term. Discussion ensued and again the Executive agreed that the "chain of command" as discussed at this meeting be adopted. Executive/Management Agency -> PMS Committees -> Operations Manager -> Contractors A search of Executive Meeting Minutes indicated that this is not a new idea and had been discussed prior to April 2000. The executive, as Management Agency considered the initiative and in doing so recognised the following issues: 1. That regulatory and statutory requirements must be met within the time scales determined. 2. That the work required between now, October 2001 and March 2002 is substantial. It includes up-dating the Operations Plan, developing an audit system for Authorised Persons, investigating (by March 2002) the combining of ADRs and COI requirements, and ensuring the PMS is effectively applied on a day to day basis. In addition, to start immediately compiling information to be included in the PMS report to the Minister for 2003 and this will include written reports for each year from 1998 to present. 3. That the work involved goes far beyond the role of the Chair of the PMS Operations Committee, which is a purely voluntary position. In which case the Executive would recognise this by way of a monetary re-imbursement, at a rate commensurate with the task. 4. That it be clearly stated and acknowledged that this is, in all respects a local measure to meet an immediate requirement and must not in any manner compromise or be seen as other than a short term substitute for the Executive's stated objective, to put into effect, at the earliest opportunity the substantive position of PMS Manager. Recognising that the time involved in researching and implementing this proposal will be considerable and take the project well into the new year. 5 The Executive further recognised, in this proposition, an opportunity to scope and more accurately define the long-term role of an PMS Manager. The experience gained would be valuable to the NBA when drafting the "job description" for the PMS Manager. It would identify a likely cost structure, to include direct costs, overheads and those operational costs which will be incurred with the employment of PMS Manager. Similarly, it is hoped, experience in the role will highlight any such "economies of scale" which might be achievable, both in the short and long term. "That the NBA, in order to implement the position of PMS Manager engage the services of a suitable person to further develop the position and, at the same time, facilitate the implementation of the strategy as outlined above." Cropp/Martin Carried This motion emphasises the importance the Executive places on achieving the legislative, statutory and operational requirements of the AFB PMS and is expected to substantially contribute to meeting the issues recommended in the recent audits of the NBA and its systems as Management Agency, by MAF Biosecurity Authority. "That the NBA accordingly invite Mr Bush to accept this interim role, as specified, up to 31/8/02, and that the NBA reimburse Mr Bush by way of an ex gratia payment." Martin/O'Brien Carried Lunch @ 12.00pm and return @ 1.00pm. Sustainable Farming Fund Executive Secretary reported that the Trust is due to meet on Monday 1 October 2001 or soon after. Varroa Research Workshop The Executive discussed the varroa research programme developed at a workshop in Hamilton on September 14 2001. There was support for the direction of and projects discussed in the programme. "The Executive receive and endorse the proposed Varroa Research Programme developed at the September 14 workshop" Cropp/Lorimer Carried Environment Portfolio The environment portfolio's goals and objectives were revisited. "The Executive adopts the following goals for the environment portfolio." Lorimer/Cropp Carried Physical Environment Goal Develop and implement a strategy to enhance and highlight the NBA's role as advocate for the whole beekeeping community in issues regarding the physical environment. Objective Maintain an environment committee to address bee product safety (health, residues), OSH, GE & GM and chemicals (pesticides, hive chemicals). Legislative Environment Goal Develop and Implement a strategy that reinforces the NBA's role as the industry advocate in all legislative matters that affect the whole beekeeping community. Objective Formulate adhoc committees as appropriate to deal with legislation as issues arise. Research and Development Committee "The NBA adopt the Research & Development Committee Terms of Reference." Lorimer/Cropp Carried Strategic Plan Action Executive Secretary to write to the committee representatives who attended the planning day on 25/9/01 and thank them for their input Budget Executive Secretary to work with G Martin Project Policy and Template The meeting discussed the development of a template to assist them to assess project bids as they are presented from the NBA's Committees. It was also decided that a "user friendly" application form for the committees to use needs to be developed. By consensus, the meeting agreed to a Project Policy: "All new capital expenditure requires the approval of the Executive based on the following: It conforms to the NBA's Strategic Plan It progresses the objectives of the NBA as laid out in the Strategic Plan It is affordable It is achievable and measurable It advances the whole beekeeping community" Action Executive Secretary to draw up an easy to use Project Funding Application Form. Compensation revisited. At 2.50pm the meeting discussed by telephone, progress Mr Dixon of DTS Lawyers is making with compensation. After a general update and discussion the Executive agreed to continue with the direction adopted at the Executive Meeting held on 15 June 2001: "That the Executive recognises it has an advocacy role in relation to Varroa Compensation and to that, when requested, the NBA will seek professional advice on behalf of members" "That future arrivals of Compensation submissions from beekeepers, the beekeepers be asked if they wish to talk with DTS Lawyers." O'Brien/Lorimer Carried General Business continued Phil Cropp asked that in dealing with any issues the whole area of privacy and natural justice need to be considered. Lin McKenzie - West Australia Honey Executive Secretary reported that Dr Edwards, MAF had rung to say that this issue on hold pending more information from W.A. Dr Edwards has assured the NBA that a full six weeks will be available for consultation regardless of when the application is eventually received. Action Philip Cropp as sponsor of the Import/Export Committee to alert the Committee that within the next 14 days a strategy is in place to deal with W.A. Honey. G Martin Working on budget development. Action G Martin and Executive Secretary to contact branches and remind them of a need for projected income/expenditure for the 2002-year. J Lorimer The issue of the future of the Telford Course is of concern. Executive discussed the letter to D Bell from D Woodward @ Telford. Action P Cropp to discuss with D Woodward future options and report back to the Executive in November. Closure D Bell thanked all for their attendance and closed the meeting at 4.15pm.
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