The name of the Association is the National Beekeepers’ Association of New Zealand (Incorporated) (hereinafter called the "Association").
a) In these rules, unless inconsistent with the context: ‘Apiary Levy’ means the annual levy payable by Beekeepers to the National Beekeeper Association of New Zealand Inc. in accordance with the Act. ‘The Act’ means the Commodity Levies Act 1990 and the Commodity Levies (Bee Products) Order 1996 or any amendments or substitutions therefor. ‘Year’ and ‘Financial Year’ mean from the first day of January to the thirty-first day of December.
b) Notwithstanding any provision expressed in these rules to the contrary, the terms "member" and "ordinary member" where used in Rules 16, 18(c), 21, 26(b), 26(c), 26(e), 26(f) and 27(a) of these rules shall be deemed to not include "honorary members" as defined in Rule 9, or "associate members" as defined in Rule 10.
The registered office of the Association shall be at such place as the Executive shall from time to time decide.
The objects for which the Association is established and the powers it may exercise are:
a) To improve the beekeeping industry in New Zealand and the conditions obtaining in that industry.
b) To promote the economic and other interests of beekeepers in New Zealand.
c) To promote the production and marketing of honey and the products which derive from beekeeping.
d) To collect and disseminate statistical information likely to be of value to the beekeeping industry.
e) To initiate, adopt and pursue policies designed to further in any way the interests and well-being of those engaged in the beekeeping industry in New Zealand.
f) To carry on negotiations with the Government or other authorities on any topic or development likely to affect the interests and welfare of those engaged in the beekeeping industry including the prices paid or received by beekeepers for honey or any products which derive from beekeeping.
g) To undertake and execute any trusts consistent with the objects of the Association.
h) To invest moneys of the Association in any trustee security.
i) To acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise any property, easement, rights or privileges, and to improve and turn to account the same as may be desirable and to sell, lease, exchange, bail grant licenses in respect of or otherwise deal with or dispose of the same.
j) To borrow or raise or secure the payment of money for the purposes of the Association in such amounts and on such terms as the Association may think fit and in particular by the issue of mortgages, charges or any other securities charged upon all or any of the real or personal property of the Association and to purchase, redeem or pay off any such securities.
k) To lend and advance money or give credit to any person or company; to guarantee and give guarantees for the payment of money or the performance of contracts or obligations by any person or company; and otherwise to assist any person or company.
l) To enter into, do and perform all contracts, acts, matters and things in any way connected with the objects of the Association or appurtenant thereto.
m) To make grants-in-aid to any person or organisation for purposes likely to further the interests of the beekeeping industry.
n) To do all such other things as may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the foregoing objects or the exercise of any of the foregoing powers.
a) There shall be five categories of membership, namely:
(ii) Commercial Members
(iii) Life Members
(iv) Honorary Members
(v) Associate Members
a) Ordinary membership shall be open to:
ii) any other person who is not a beekeeper.
a) Every beekeeper who has paid his/her levy, when due, as prescribed by the Commodity Levies (Bee Products) Order 1996, shall be deemed to be a commercial member of the Association.
b) In the case of a partnership only one commercial membership will be recognised, and shall be exercisable by one partner whose name shall be notified to the Executive Secretary. Other partners and members or employees of companies which are commercial members may be ordinary members of the Association.
a) On the recommendation of the Executive, as a mark of esteem and in recognition of outstanding service to the New Zealand beekeeping industry, a person whether or not a member of the Association may be elected a Life Member by a majority vote at an Annual Meeting of the Association.
b) A Life Member, if not already a Commercial Member, shall enjoy the rights and privileges of ordinary members but shall pay no annual subscription.
a) The Executive may, as a mark of esteem and in recognition of services to the New Zealand Beekeeping Industry elect a person whether or not a member of the Association as an honorary member.
b) Subject to rule 2(b) of these rules an Honorary Member, if not already a Commercial Member, shall enjoy the rights and privileges of ordinary members, but shall not pay an annual subscription.
a) The Executive of its own accord may elect any specialist beekeeping organisation as an associate member.
b) Subject to Rule 2(b) of these Rules an associate member shall enjoy the rights and privileges of an ordinary member.
Any corporation which is a member of the Association may by resolution of its directors or other governing body authorise any director, manager or employee thereof to act as its representative at meetings of members of the Association and the person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise on behalf of the corporation all its rights and privileges of membership; and shall also be entitled to hold office in the Association as if the authorised person were personally a member.
a) Should the Executive consider that a member is guilty of conduct prejudicial to the interests of the Association it may, after giving the member the opportunity of making oral or written submissions, resolve that the member shall not be eligible for such time as the Executive shall fix to participate in any meeting of the Association and/or of any Branch of the Association. The member shall be entitled within one month of the date of the resolution to have the matter referred to the arbitration of an independent person to be agreed upon by the parties or failing agreement to be nominated by the Association’s solicitor, and the decision of that person as to the member’s guilt or as to the restriction imposed, shall be binding on the member and the Association.
b) An ordinary member shall cease to be a member if the member dies, resigns or ceases to be eligible for membership or if the Executive resolves to remove the member from membership because the member’s subscription is unpaid.
c) A Commercial Member shall cease to be a member if the member dies or ceases to be qualified or if the Executive is satisfied that the member has failed to pay the apiary levy as and when it is due.
d) An Honorary member shall cease to be a member if the member dies, ceases to be eligible for membership or if the Executive does not re-elect that person at the final Executive meeting in any calendar year.
e) An associate member shall cease to be a member if the member dies, resigns or if the Executive resolves to remove the member from membership because the member’s subscription is unpaid, or for any other reason.
a) The annual subscription to be paid by ordinary members and associate members shall be such sums as the Executive shall from time to time decide. The Executive shall report its decisions in this regard as soon as practicable to the Branches of the Association and to the next Annual Meeting of the Association.
b) The annual subscription for commercial members shall be deemed to have been fully satisfied by payment of the apiary levy due.
The President and Vice President shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Association from the six members of the Executive for the ensuing year elected in accordance with Rule 16. Should there be an equality of votes, the result shall be decided by lot. Those elected shall take office immediately upon their election.
a) The Executive shall consist of six persons (or fewer than six if the Executive chooses to not appoint a replacement Executive member in the event of a casual vacancy) who are either members of the Association or the representatives of corporations which are members, three being resident in the North Island and three in the South lsland.
b) The members of the Executive shall hold office for two years, commencing at the conclusion of the Annual Meeting immediately following their election and shall at the expiration of their terms be eligible for re-election.
c) Nominations shall be invited from members in a manner approved by the Executive and failing the receipt of sufficient nominations the Executive shall appoint a person holding residential qualifications appropriate to the vacancy.
d) Election shall be by a postal ballot of members conducted by the Executive Secretary, on a date prior to the date of the Annual Meeting to be fixed by the Executive.
e) For the purposes of the election an ordinary member shall have one vote and a Commercial Member one vote for each 10 apiaries or part thereof on which a levy for the current year has been paid, with a maximum of 25 votes. Levy shall be deemed to have been paid for the purposes of this Rule if payment thereof has been deferred in accordance with procedures as decided by the Executive from time to time.
f) In the event of a casual vacancy in the membership of the Executive the remaining members may appoint a person holding the same residential qualification as the vacating member and that person shall hold office until the vacancy is filled at the next annual election. At that election the vacancy shall be filled by a person elected for the balance of the unexpired term of the vacating member.
g) The Executive shall meet as and when directed by the President or on the requisition of 4 members of the Executive.
h) Four members shall constitute a quorum.
i) The President and Vice President shall be respectively chairperson and Vice chairperson of the Executive.
j) The Executive shall manage the business of the Association and shall have full power and authority to exercise all the powers and perform all the duties for which the Association has been established and to do all things incidental or conducive to the attainment of the objects of the Association, and to prescribe procedures for the conduct of postal ballots and postal polls.
a) There shall be an Executive Secretary who shall be appointed from time to time by the Executive on such terms and conditions as it may decide.
b) The Executive Secretary shall be the administrative officer of the Executive and of the Association but need not be a member of the Association.
c) The Executive Secretary shall carry out such responsibilities as the Executive may from time to time decide and in particular shall be responsible for:
ii) The keeping of books and accounts
iii) Countersigning all cheques issued by the Association
iv) The preparation and dispatch of correspondence
v) Keeping minutes of meetings
vi) Preparing financial statements as required together with the Annual Report and Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Financial Performance.
vii) Forwarding to Branches copies of minutes and reports of meetings of the Association and the Executive, to be within 14 days of such meetings being held.
viii) The performance of any other appropriate general administrative duties relating to the functions of the Association
a) The Executive shall convene an Annual Meeting of the members of the Association as near as practicable to the month of July in each year.
b) The business to be conducted at the Annual Meeting shall be:
ii) To receive addresses from any other persons invited by the Executive
iii) To receive the Annual Report of the Association
iv) To receive the audited the Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Financial Performance.
v) To receive the budget for the current financial year
vi) To receive recommendations or other business referred by the Executive including Life Membership nominations
vii) To elect the President and Vice President
viii) To appoint an Auditor
ix) To consider any matter arising from the President’s address, the Annual Report or any other report presented to the Annual Meeting.
x) To conduct any general business
c) At the Annual Meeting each member present in person shall have one vote. Every question shall in the first instance be decided on the voices, but a show of hand or secret ballot may be demanded by any person entitled to vote.
d) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the President or the Executive, or the Annual Meeting may at any time refer any question to the Conference of Branch delegates.
a) The Executive shall convene a Conference of Branch Delegates to be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association, or at such other times and places as the Conference or the Executive may from time to time decide. Other members of the Association may attend and speak at the Conference but may not vote.
b) The business to be conducted by the Conference of Branch Delegates shall be the consideration of remits referred from -
ii) The Executive
iii) Meetings of Branches
d) All remits passed by the Conference shall be in the form of recommendations to the Executive.
e) Voting by Branch Delegates shall initially be by the sticks or a counted vote but a poll may be requested by any Delegate present or by the chairperson.
f) In the event of a Poll, such Delegate shall be entitled to cast:
ii) those votes which members make available to the delegate in accordance with Rule 26(f)(iii); plus
iii) those votes withheld by members in accordance with Rule 26(f)(iv), provided that no such votes may be cast in respect of a member who is not personally present at the Conference.
ii) may exercise as the delegate thinks fit any additional votes made available to the delegate in accordance with Rule 26(f)(iii); and
iii) shall exercise votes withheld by members in accordance with Rule 26(f)(iv) in accordance with directions given to the delegate at the time of the poll by the members concerned personally.
i) The votes cast by each delegate shall be displayed to the Conference.
a) A Special Meeting of the Association shall be held at such time and place as the Executive may decide for the purpose of transacting any business other than that to be transacted only at the Annual Meeting.
b) The Executive shall convene a Special Meeting upon receipt of a requisition in writing by not less than one-tenth in number of the members of the Association stating the object of the meeting proposed to be called.
c) If the Executive fails to convene a Special Meeting within thirty days of the date of delivery of the requisition, the requisitionists may convene it themselves.
d) Voting at Special Meeting shall be by Branch Delegates and in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (e) and (f) of Rule 19.
The quorum for an Annual Meeting shall be 20 members and the quorum for a Special Meeting and for the Conference of Branch Delegates shall be Delegates representing half of the Branches of the Association.
a) The Annual Meeting, any Special Meeting and the Conference of Branch Delegates shall be summoned by 21 days’ notice to members stating the nature of the business intended to be conducted with the date, time and place of the proposed meeting. Such notice shall be sufficiently given if it is inserted in an issue of the Association’s Journal, posted to all members not less than 21 days prior to the date of the meeting.
b) The President or in the President's absence the Vice President shall preside at all meetings of the Association including the Conference of Branch Delegates.
c) The decision of the Chairperson in all matters of meeting procedure and conduct shall be final
d) If a poll is requested it shall be conducted in such manner as the Chairperson decides.
e) At any meeting the Chairperson shall have a casting vote as well as any other vote or votes to which that person may be entitled as a member or as a Branch Delegate.
f) Any person who is not a member of the Association may be present by invitation of any member at any meeting of the Association but unless invited by the Executive or the Chairperson shall not be entitled to speak.
a) The Executive shall approve the establishment of Branches of the Association where at least ten members signify their desire to form a Branch.
b) The Geographical area covered by each Branch shall from time to time be defined by the Executive.
c) Every member of the Association shall be a member either of the Branch in whose area the member lives or of such other Branch as the Executive may determine.
d) The Executive shall be entitled to disestablish a Branch at any time.
a) Each Branch shall be bound by any general directives given from time to time by the Executive, but in all other respects, subject always to these Rules, shall control its own affairs.
b) Each Branch shall elect a Chairperson and Secretary who shall be its principal office bearers.
c) A Branch may elect a Branch Management Committee consisting of not fewer than three members.
d) Each Branch shall keep a minute book which shall be made available to the Executive or any authorised officer of the Association upon request.
e) Each Branch shall elect a member of the Association but not necessarily a member of that Branch, to be its delegate to the Annual Conference of Branch delegates and to any Special Meeting of the Association and may also elect another member of the Association to be a deputy.
a) Except in the case of a particular trust approved by the Executive, all money and any other property acquired or held by a Branch shall belong to the Association.
b) The Branch Secretary shall record and maintain books of account as directed by the Executive and shall prepare a statement of accounts for the Branch Annual Meeting, which shall be audited by a non-member and signed by the Branch Chairperson; a copy of this statement together with a Bank Account certificate shall be forwarded to the Executive immediately subsequent to the Branch Annual Meeting.
c) All Branches of the Association shall be entitled to receive from the Association such annual administrative grants as the Executive may from time to time determine.
d) If a Branch is disestablished all money and other property shall forthwith be delivered up to the Executive Secretary.
a) Each Branch may transact its ordinary business as it may from time to time decide, but it shall hold each year an Annual Meeting of its members (which shall be held before the end of the month of May?) and at least one other meeting either of its members or its management committee.
b) The quorum for Branch Meeting shall be decided by each Branch but in no case shall be fewer than five members.
c) At Branch meetings each member of the Branch present in person or by proxy shall have one vote except that on a poll on any remit to the Conference of Branch Delegates or any business for consideration at a Special Meeting members shall have the same voting entitlement as under Rule 16(e).
d) The Executive Secretary shall as soon as practicable at the commencement of each year send to all Branches a list of their members and their poll voting entitlement and this list shall be conclusive as to the voting entitlement of members under Rule 16(e).
e) At all Branch Meetings a member may by writing appoint another member as that member's proxy to vote on that member's behalf.
f) On every poll taken on a remit to the Conference of Branch Delegates a member may:
ii) Abstain from voting
iii) Abstain from voting and make that member's votes available to the Branch Delegate to cast as that member thinks fit.
iv) Withhold that member's votes for exercise at the Conference in accordance with Rule 19(f)(iii) provided that notwithstanding paragraph (e) of this Rule this may be done only if the member is personally present at the meeting at which the poll is taken.
a) The Executive may submit any matter of policy to the membership for voting by postal poll. The result of such a poll shall be by way of recommendation to the Executive except where it relates to an alteration to the Rules in which case it shall be conclusive. On such a poll members shall have the same voting entitlement as under Rule 16(e).
b) All postal polls shall be conducted by the Executive Secretary and the result thereof shall, as soon as practicable after the poll has been taken, be notified by the Executive Secretary to the membership of the Association by an entry in an issue of the Association’s Journal.
The Association shall have a Common Seal which shall be kept by the Executive Secretary, and shall be affixed to such documents as are required to be completed under Seal. The Seal shall be affixed only pursuant to a specific or general resolution of the Executive, and in the presence of two members of the Executive and the Executive Secretary.
a) These rules may be altered by majority vote taken at the discretion of the Executive either at a Special Meeting of the Association or by postal poll in accordance with Rule 27(a).
b) Where the Executive determines to refer a proposed alteration to the Rules to a Special Meeting particulars thereof shall be given in the notice convening the meeting.
c) Any member or Branch proposing an alteration to the Rules shall submit a notice of motion thereof to the Executive not less than 45 days prior to the date of a Special Meeting of the Association.
d) No addition to or alteration or recession of the rules shall be approved if it in any way affects rule 30(b).
e) No addition to or alteration to rule 30(b) shall be approved without the Inland Revenue Department’s approval.
a) The Association shall be wound up upon the passing of a resolution to that effect passed at an Annual or Special Meeting the notice of which has included the proposal for winding up.
b) In the event of the Association being wound up its funds and other property shall be disposed of to such charitable organisation or organisations concerned with the beekeeping industry as such Annual or Special Meeting shall determine.
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